You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
- Site will no longer see your site in searches.
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VOTING for the INDIE WEB CONTEST is now open! => <= Thanks and good luck to all 65 participants!
This may be a silly question but where is the voting / is there are masterlist of all the contestants?
@scenemime a link to the vote should be on the contest page! here it is =>
OH crap :0 I forgot to add in a webring/edit a link on my page before voting opens! Should I just leave the website as is until the voting period ends?
just went through and voted! what a fun, creative collection of sites. this is an awesome project Petra, thank you for organizing it with such care!!
@crystalclearcrystalline you can change your website as much as you want during the voting period !!
can i vote for myself lol
@blight you can give yourself as many points as you think you deserve! :) just don't cheat by giving everyone else 0 points. (i will see it if somebody tries that)