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Got some northern lights pictures last night! Check them out at
For those of you who tried to send e-mail to the address I have listed, I ran out of credit and wasn't notified. Added some and it's all good, whoops.
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marshmellosucks 6 months ago

Ignore the HTML spam, Office 97 isn't the best at generating HTML pages

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incertaesedis 6 months ago

96kHz music downloads scare me, 44.1/48 are already more than I need for frequency content with tinnitus

Made a PowerPoint presentation for one of my classes that I'll be publishing to my page later, just have to fire up Office 97 to export it as an HTML page first...
marshmellosucks 6 months ago

It's about how audiophiles are all idio- how higher sample rates and bit depths may not be benefitial for listening

is it just me or did the website name change?
marshmellosucks 6 months ago

It used to be called "The homepage of MarshmelloSUCKS", I renamed it quite a while ago because I'm not a fan of that username anymore (I was a pretty shitty person under that name)

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedAug 1, 2020
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tech photography cats 90s radio