
1 follower
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GlitchyXP was updated.
3 weeks ago
GlitchyXP was updated.
4 weeks ago
your manifesto doesn't existo
glitchy404 1 month ago

(it leads to a 404 page)

staghunters 1 month ago

it shows up fine for me. are you on /writings/manifesto/ ?

marshmellosucks 1 month ago

The manifesto link on the writings page works, but not the link under the Random Stuff section. I'll remove that link.

GlitchyXP was updated.
6 months ago
GlitchyXP was updated.
6 months ago
GlitchyXP was updated.
6 months ago
GlitchyXP was updated.
6 months ago
...going back to the old layout
GlitchyXP was updated.
6 months ago
GlitchyXP was updated.
7 months ago

Website Stats

Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJan 28, 2022
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