
506 updates
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jckdog was updated.
2 weeks ago
jckdog was updated.
3 weeks ago
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jckdog was updated.
11 months ago
hiatus over : made some quick minor updates but i might add a lot more soon
1 like
jckdog was updated.
1 year ago
jckdog was updated.
1 year ago
jckdog was updated.
1 year ago
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Update! Added an Art Gallery page for my artwork :)
couple new things added. 1) trail cams page , it's about a couple days old but it is still a newish part of the website. i might add more pages like this in the future, those that are just random but interesting (to me at least lol). 2) guestbook added! below the index on the main page. go sign it please!!
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jckdog was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedApr 21, 2022
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