A Bear's Hub World

328 updates
0 tips
Me: "I'm gonna post new stuff soon!" Also me: *Doesn't do anything with the site for 3 weeks.* Woops. Well, I guess I should've said I'll updated it EVENTUALLY cos, surprise surprise, I got burned out again. Weird how that won't stop happening.
isactuallyabear 1 month ago

Also, hi new followers. I appreciate you.

Wow I've gotten a lot of views on my website the past few weeks for some reason. I'm gonna post new stuff soon! (Probably. I'll try my best.)
Welp! Looks like 123Guestbook is shutting down. I'm gonna be archiving my current guestbook and attempt to host my own on my website. If I can't manage that, I'll switch to SmartGB or UltraGuest.
Hey, just wanted to let you know that your website beyond the index page is stuck on a 500 Internal Server Error.
pixelglade 3 months ago

Just tested and I get the same

isactuallyabear 3 months ago

Oh hey, it seems to be fixed. Nice.

Wow, your site is so neat! I'm really loving the layout and the content.
caby 4 months ago

thanku so much! much more to come :D

1 like
isactuallyabear 4 months ago

I look forward to seeing it. <3

1 like
Hello! Your website is cute. I wanna link you in my Neighborhood page I'm creating, but the little box next to your button is glitched. When I click on the box with your site code, it takes me right back to the index page and I have to click enter again. I manage to screw with the mouse enough to allow me to get in there and copy it anyway though haha. Just wanted to let you know of this.
mooface 5 months ago

HI i'm replying from our main blog: the image right now is technically a link which we realized is probably not the best idea... LOL. we'll fix this when we log back in there! -yuna

moheb-rofail 5 months ago

I think linking with a regular link isn't bad.

Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJan 22, 2023
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