
542 updates
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Update log: THRIFT STORE RADIO 2025! The first of 12 this year. Join me for a recap of my favorite songs and musical projects of the past year. Also make sure to checkout the Gallery for new Photos and artworks. - Ill be working on a TSR Archive page soon, hopefully I can have that done by February, but I have a complex vision that might take a while to execute so bare with me LOL. Have a great 2025!
Hey, everyone. No new TSR this month. This month has been really busy so I decided to give myself some grace and take the break. But there still new music! Checkout an archived episode of my first radio show Happy Shores, all about Japanese City Pop! Keep an eye out for the new year and I hope you all have a great holiday season.
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Thanks so much for the kind words n email! I JUST saw it, for whatever reason it got marked as spam lol.
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Update: Added a radio show pop out widget for easier listening on PC. Thank you to hebrXj for basically making the whole pop out java code like a legend. This website wouldnt exist without him. go checkout his site
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedAug 4, 2024
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indie music gallery art radio