new guestbook is up!! :D also changed how the sidebar loads from changing it from js to an embed command instead. acts the exact same but it works a lot better and actually will load on my blog pages LOL.
also w/ the guestbook change, the choice to change how the sidebar loads was def the way to go since i only needed to make the change in the og file :')
finally changing how the nav bar loads in bc i cant keep changing every page by hand every time i add a new button LMAO
also new guestbook will be added soon since 123guestbook is shutting down. Currently just trying to put together the CSS stuff on ultraguest :U
added a music player on the DT shrine and starting a shrine page for kord (my persona/main oc) :D
removed the federiefederi link. while i find the concept of the website very admirable, the way the owners have been acting and responding to things in the past few days have left a bad taste in my mouth and I do not care to have their link up on my site anymore because of that.
I got a new OC design recently that has quickly become pseudo-sona status and they would be perfect for the site hehe