Aywren's Nook | Gaming & Geek Blog

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pixelglade 3 months ago

I agree with the sentiments but I think it's more indicative of how websites not just news sites are using clickbait and controversy to get engagement because that's how the algorithms are set up to work especially on social media. I don't really follow gaming news sites and only really follow game projects themselves. There's a difference between click bait and actual informative news IMO is my main point

aywren 3 months ago

Yep, you're absolutely right on this. Everything to get those clicks.

eggie 3 months ago

Bloggers are especially important from a preservation aspect too, particularly when it comes to live service games like MMOs and the like. We can never go back in time and play some games how they were at launch or in their heyday, or before they changed several things, and even if you preserve the code and make a private server, you can never preserve the community the same way.

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eggie 3 months ago

Blogs, forums, and other personal coverage of the communities and games are the only true way to preserve what it was like in those times. It's not the same, but its the closest we can get. We can't experience that stuff again, but we can at least read accounts of what it was like for those that were there at the time.

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aywren 3 months ago

That's an excellent point. With communities moving away from things like open forums, where so much was once archived, it's important that us site makers do what we can to preserve what we can!

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CreatedNov 5, 2021
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