Wild Bread

760 updates
1 tips
I spent an unbeleiveble time surfing the web trying to find this site again, forgetting that I already follow it and have the skeleton attack bookmarked (for when I need cheering up)- I wanna say I love the layout and the splatoon stickers (I wish we had higher res photos of them because I wanted to do the same on my personal so bad)
wildbread 1 year ago

holy shit just found your locker

1 like
kelprot 1 year ago

YOOO thank u so much!!! im really glad u like it so much that means a lot ^_^

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kelprot 1 year ago

also i've got a folder that has rips of a whole lot of stickers (and other stuff) from splat3 if that helps! some of the file formatting is a bit weird but otherwise they're the best resolution stuff i've found

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A breath of spring weather has hit my home city of Naarm/Melbourne, and after a long cold dark June bread has once again started sprouting all across the wilderness.
miela583 1 year ago

I like how the most recent bread looks like it is being reclaimed by nature.

There are no words that can adequately descibe the mixture of glee, melancholy, and love that are evoked in me by images of stupid random bread. Please never stop.
wildbread 1 year ago

there are many powerful emotions brought to me by pictures of bread some of which are listed here.

skep sent a $10.00 tip to wildbread
1 year ago
wildbread 1 year ago

I am deeply humbled beyond comprehesion,- I take care not to valueate myself as an artist simply through financial measure though this patronage is a blessed symbol of appreciation for me to forever pride myself in. Wild Bread has persisted as a shtick for many years off the back joyful messages from friends, and since the migration to neocities, now wonderful people across all corners of the worldwide web <3.

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wildbread started at '01' with a two integer file saving format. we are presently at 94 bread photos, I had not ever anticipated to continue this bit long enough to need that third integer. Yet here we are.
nohappynonsense 1 year ago

kind of short sighted tbh since you'll be going easily 6 digits of feral loaf

hottest psychonauts males list is pretty accurate tbh
rh0mbus0fruin 1 year ago

OMG just saw this comment but thank you, I put my blood sweat and tears into it only thing I would change now is loboto being on the list Loboto is a beautiful woman to me

wildbread 1 year ago

had a crush on Quentin when I was young but good that the campers are not on this list

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedNov 6, 2022
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photography art garbage random bread