((this seems like a vaguepost/sarcasm it isnt it’s actually on hiatus have a good months))
i do the heavy lifting, he is the careful scientist. together we make kyle drake cry
oh yeh theres also another sploon drawing added to art- (i deleted the update notif) i think it looks cool though i painted the clothes really weirdly q-q
Outlines nearly done, character page should be updated in two weeks at the latest. Comic should be out at the end of January, hopefully on the 31st since that's my birthday :>
I've deleted all the art on the art page, as I'm hoping to work on a portfolio for a University to apply to. You'll probably see more stuff in there during winter break.
A little synopsis for what's to come: I decided to fully on a comic called 'Trials of Redbanon' and halfly on a comic called 'Witches and Demons: The Raven's Revenge'. Witches and Demons is basically just a magical girl comic. The world is being taken over by darkness, and the MC is hoping to restore the light. As for Trials of Redbanon... I made a mini description.
A world of three factions- Redbanon, Lulama, and Paselei. Years ago there was a war that ended up getting anyone and anything from Redbanon banished from the over-world. Now Redbanon is staging attacks, giving those of Lulama and Paselei trials of war to defeat. A shelter, tournament house and school lead by magi champion Valerie Entine allows you to see into the lives of our main magi.
And before you say 'but soups, how do we trust you? You've promised comics before and never did them!' THIS IS DIFFERENT! I've actually done physical background work on this one, so I have a clearer vision of what I wish to do. As well, unlike what I had for Spirit Killer, this one should be easier to make! Great for a first timer :>
So! That's it! Tally ho~
i love how cuber always likes anything negative towards my art fkltngjkgnj
i was trying to like the "You'll probably see more stuff in there during winter break." part :(