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🎉 WINNERS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED 🎉 Check the contest page to see who won my indie web contest! -> (If you can't see them yet it might be because of cache, try a hard refresh.) Congrats, and thanks to all for participating/voting! It was a lot of fun :)
Congrats to all the winners!
Congratulations to everyone! I found some great new sites to follow. (Also, I got the message on my chatbox, but it got cut off, idk if there was anything important?)
@abyssbloom woops, didn't realize it cut off! I'll try again
how many points did I get i'm confused-
Congratulations to the winners! It was so fun seeing all of the sites :0 found some lovely folks to follow 'cause of this event so thank you!
Congrats to the winners! Thank you for hosting this as well, I found so many cool new sites to follow as a result.