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Privilege goggles were never "cool"
sure for games but like i think in research/art it's more interesting
yes (this is a good example why I think it's cool: )
thx i think
sorry, ich kann englisch nicht verstehen
thx bb
it my favorite
ja, i posted about that already. it's wip so it'll probably be up tomorrow
but thanks n.e.way bb
that's so sweet, thank you!! (≡^∇^≡)
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i return, with yet another redesign. working on getting the new about page up next!
pretty nice!
also i guess the next update will include 200% more communism since people seem to really like that
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Privilege goggles were never "cool"
sure for games but like i think in research/art it's more interesting
yes (this is a good example why I think it's cool: )