welcome to mikufan3939's miku hell

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added a music player and a cursor B) spcecial thanks to adeline for the player code template once it's the morning i will add credits but for now i really need to honk shoo
mikufan3939 1 year ago

cursor doesn't entirely work properly but i'll fix it later

@ everyone THE SITE IS UP AND WORKING the thumbnail is just being weird
posting this From My Phone i think i am getting Slightly better at coding. i have to edit my site like 864339 times but i'm getting there. hopefully voca recs page will be up by the end of the week because i really want to get it done lol
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i think my site crashed
mikufan3939 1 year ago

ok it's only the main index that crashed and i don't know why when i only moved a few boxes left

mikufan3939 1 year ago

ok this seems to be an issue for any other neocities i click on so shrugs

mikufan3939 1 year ago

the site is down for just me so either google is a piece of shit or something else is happening

mikufan3939 1 year ago

firefox and mobile aren't working either what the shit

mimikitty49 1 year ago

thats weird

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedNov 14, 2022
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vocalsynths personal vocaloid miku