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Every time I see mentions of Guerilla Guardening I always remember a curiosity about what the police would even do if an illegal plant (e.g. marijuana) were crossbred with a state plant tha couldn't be removed (e.g. Texas bluebonnet).
@heoism Generally state plants' protected status is more symbolic than anything. It's one of those "we only enforce this law if its convenient for us" type things (and their protection is wholly reliant on the wishes of the property owners, who are free to destroy or move plants). Also given that Marijuana and Lupinus are seperate genuses in seperate families it would be exceedingly hard to crossbreed them
@heoism its interesting you bring up guerrilla grown marijuana, because in the midwest it's got a long history of illicit cultivation around railroads and urban areas along with native hemp species, which cops will usually destroy without even checking which is which LOL