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devils, you're so good at web design, and as cool as you might think my site is (you commented that on my page once, i think i accidentally deleted it), i'm like, pretty bad at web design, coding, etc. where'd you even learn all this stuff, i m u s t k n o w . Also any tips on learning Javascript? Because JESUS FUCKING CHRIST IT'S HARD TO LEARN
devils 5 years ago

you are too sweet <3 im completely self taught! ive never taken any classes on coding or anything like that, just played around for years. my site is actually mostly html/css, im with you on javascript being hard. my main tip is to be super patient, lol. thank you again and love your site!!

ophiuchus 5 years ago

HOLY SHIT, that clears up a lot actually. thank you so much! you wouldn't mind if i look at your site's source code, too right? not copy and paste it: that's immoral. just look and learn. sorry if it's a weird question lol

devils 5 years ago

feel 100% free! <3 a lot of my code is hanging on by a string though, definitely take everything ive coded with a grain of salt lmao

ophiuchus 5 years ago

thank you so much :3

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CreatedApr 17, 2019
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