auberylis [dot] moe

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astrossoundhell 2 months ago

Major update! Check out /fits/ and /bmco/ - those are the two new major thingies. Also!!! Finally, a BUTTON - grab it from the bottom of my index page. If you have the old one... time to update, this one's so much cooler cause it's a kandi! Peace!

badgraph1csghost 2 months ago

got your new button on my neighbour wall :3

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astrossoundhell 2 months ago

@badgraphicsghost thank you ^w^

They gave me a win11 laptop at work, to which i'm installing my website repos right now, and... gosh! What a piece of shit! "Half of the software breaks" aside, only like 2% of the new UI choices are good. Permanent and wide scrollbars are under *accessibility* and *registry* now, this is ASININE
astrossoundhell 3 months ago

i'm glad i could debloat the thing and there are options to unround most edges, return an actual context menu, etc, but that doesn't have to be a set of hacky addons. that has to be default fucking settings. i'm beyound angry! And from an artistic point of view..flat tone minimalism is a *tough style*, you can and will shoot yourself in the leg with it if you've no experience or common sense. And they sure did shoot

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dietgilroy 3 months ago

aw man i thought windows 11 was good

astrossoundhell 3 months ago

@dietglory it has huge problems with pre-11 software -- i/my friends consistently get small bugs in about 40% of programs that we use. The UI got a fair bit of improvements that were power toys in win10, but it has SO much bloat bundled and SO many shitty design choices it's not even funny. Not even talking about mikes spying on you better and better with each version...

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badgraph1csghost 3 months ago

The consensus on hackernews is that Win11 only exists to squeeze money out of people loyal to the windows brand. MS is haemorrhaging money from all their acquisitions and the only way they can make any more is from analytics.

Maybe i should start blogging about webdev tips & tricks, in particular for page optimization? it feels like my computer initiates takeoff sequence upon visiting too many a neocities website...
poobiss 3 months ago

if my website doesnt cause everyones computer to explode upon viewing it im not trying hard enough

astrossoundhell 3 months ago

it does something much better: causes the brain to explode

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astrossoundhell 4 months ago

not entirely happy with the commissions page design so far but i'll polish it up later. Also, clean your cache or force-refresh (shift+refresh button click) a couple times if you visit my place! Apparently, my site really likes keeping its old stuff at your side and not bothering to see if it changed

astrossoundhell 4 months ago

, which was confronted with a respective meta tag just now. But it only exists on the *new* page, which is not loaded because the *cached* one is favoured... see the paradox? Anyways, do force-refresh

astrossoundhell 3 months ago

Also added keyboard link navigation! Now you can navigate the website entirely with arrow keys and enter. At least *for me* it works... hope it improves someone's day or something

humantooth 4 months ago

lol u spelled website as 'webiste', idk if it was an accident but it made me laugh, so just leave it if it is

astrossoundhell 4 months ago

made figure html coherent and same across the website, fixed the styles that got obliterated by that, made the calm mode background color a bit lighter. All because one stupid button on the index page didn't work :D

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astrossoundhell 4 months ago

fixed all the pages' semantics. header -> h1 everywhere, because apparently the good tone is sections should have headINGS, and a headER is one for the entire page.

astrossoundhell 4 months ago

No calm stylesheet yet, hence the absence from the sitemap. But yeah, the kandi museum is sorta back! It's running my freshly updated MyArtGallery package for quick-n-easy management. You should try it, too - it's like deviant art but yours and better

astrossoundhell 4 months ago

ok nvm i completely obliterated it and it now works ONLY in calm mode. But that's experimenting for ya...

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CreatedMay 12, 2017
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