As a fellow doily lover (it also reminds me of home!!), I am so happy to see this <33
I find it extremely curious how you managed to tie a trip to a soulful Italian city to a dismal-inducing song by an artist using the name of a typical Central Russian region. This is a very interesting perspective, I don't think any Russian would have made such a connection on their own, we perceive this kind of music entirely differently. Also, great shots!
Many thanks!! The landscape just outside of the city is extremely barren of human presence - speaking of which, Perm in comparison seems more lively and interesting morphology-wise! I chose the song because despite sounding gloomy on the surface, it has certain 'patterns' that evoke warmth in me, just like the experience of the trip itself (。・∀・)ノ゙
Gorgeous photos... my favourite is the first one with the sun shining through the clouds. I hope to see lots more photography from you. Good luck with exams!! Ganbare!!!
New about page and revised manifesto! Refresh please
css issues, will fix when I remember