
1,306 updates
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Hello!! I'm always going to follow another Witcher and Elder Scrolls fan :) Your site is awesome so far, and I loved poking through your faves page
aquariumaesthetic 9 months ago

P.S. Live Through This and Three Cheers are also in my top ten albums :')

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Thank you for the follow!
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You have great taste in music!
tower-falls 9 months ago

Aw, thanks, you too! And I'm not just saying that - Colour Me In is such a good Springtime song

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Please understand my username is just an unfortunate coincidence and not an ill portent! I'm sure your wizard's tower will be Legendry!
ghostscape 9 months ago

can't even have a tower these days without someone darkening your doors with omens and portents, smh

I swear one day I will make this page pretty/organized/substantial. I just find myself spending all my time logged in to Neocities browsing your wonderful pages (and the rest of my free time on the computer booting up Withering Rooms). Even the most cynical and prickly among you are just fucking darling in your idiosyncracies, and exploring your pages really improves my day muchas veces. <3
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Here are some extras that you'll get: * No shareware messages! * Printed illustrated manual! - Maps, items, spells, etc. * Crystal Ball intelligent hint system! - Shows you what you should do next. * Extensive digitized sounds! - Speech, combat noises, and more! * Uncensored version! - Dozens of gruesome death scenes! * Newest version.
tower-falls 10 months ago

Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Specify 5.25" or 3.5" disks.

thank you for following me!! i love that three six mafia song you recently shared, haha. it's goofy, never heard it before

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedApr 26, 2022
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audreyhepburn croquet harryhoudini fangoria dnd