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Thank you for making your site. I have yet to finish reading all it has to offer, but I feel like I'd pick up a nugget of wisdom or two there. Though, I'm not sure if its just me, but I think some of your images is broken. I would love to add your site to my button collection, but I cant because of that :'<
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tehuan 5 months ago

you're so sweet oh my goodness- thank you !! that sucks that some images on my site aren't working for you ! can i ask which ones ? occasionally, my image hosting platform ( goes down, so it could be related to that, but if it's not, i def wanna fix it ! i don't have any issues on my end (firefox) as of rn...

revanmooo 5 months ago

@tehua I'm looking at it on Firefox too earlier today. If your image hosting platform goes down occasionally, maybe I just caught it on a bad time. I'll try again later! :D

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Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedJul 7, 2023
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