S u y u

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anthonynaber 8 years ago

I'll add you later on today, my name on steam is Bottom Fragger lol

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Suyu, you're music in your home page, is that for supporters only?
headache-booth 8 years ago

you can probably link to music from outside sources

anthonynaber 8 years ago

Well, I mean I wanted to have a music page where it says the name of a song, and when you click it, it plays that song.

headache-booth 8 years ago

you still could do that without being a supporter, by having the actual audio files somewhere else, like, say, dropbox

anthonynaber 8 years ago

Well, does it link to dropbox? I want the music to play on my website, but I thought I need to import a mp3 file but only supporters can do that.

joppiesaus 8 years ago

You can upload or take a existing song from youtube, then copy the embed frame code, and then set autoplay=1 and width and height to 0

anthonynaber 8 years ago

Does that actually work? If you did you saved me lol. Also, If that works, is there a way for if.. for example, I put a and text in it that's a song name such as "Marshmello - Alone", I want people to click that and it plays the song.

suyu 8 years ago

I don't have anything, when people click it and it plays, I just have a tracklist page that redirects them to the page with music.

suyu 8 years ago

I also use for file hosting, it's pretty great.

Your website reminds me of fauux's.
suyu 8 years ago

if I had a view on my website every time I heard this I'd be same as fauux

1034co 8 years ago

Yeah, you're like the Neon Genesis Evangelion version of Fauux.

suyu 8 years ago

no nothing like that

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What exactly do you want me to do with the number 554?
suyu 8 years ago

i just clicked random buttons and thought there should be something, my dumbness, nothing with 554 special

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clyphe 8 years ago

how many things are hidden behind the keypad? so far ive found 3 things

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2bit 8 years ago

554 should work now. @clyphe, I've actually lost count.

clyphe 8 years ago

oml, ive only found 8 now. also, its a shame you dont have a 0, now you cant make a 420 joke

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suyu 8 years ago

554 was jsut a random number nothing special man

suyu 8 years ago

but thank you very much for adding me there :^)

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clyphe 8 years ago

boooo why does suyu get a number and /i/ dont

2bit 8 years ago

I could give you a number.

suyu 8 years ago

I'll have two number nines, a number nine large

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2bit 8 years ago

@Suyu, But it's clypes turn

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clyphe 8 years ago

Ahh! Can I have 259?

Suyu, I don't really know how to do this, I don't know if it's possible, probably is. But do you know how to insert a loading screen when ever something is loading.
redrum 8 years ago

Anthony can u send me the pic of labreport plz

anthonynaber 8 years ago

Check your email redrum

suyu 8 years ago

you can make a loading screen behind all of the background and elements etc, but it has to be small size, I guess

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anthonynaber 8 years ago

Ok, thank you.

suyu 8 years ago

if you didn't understand i can explain it to you in details

anthonynaber 8 years ago

I understand, thanks.

anthonynaber 8 years ago

Suyu, actually, I do need help if you don't mind?

suyu 8 years ago

how can I help

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froghand 8 years ago


suyu 8 years ago

had this page already, just had to add some secret stuff

Hi Suyu :D
redrum 8 years ago

soooooooooooooo original anthony

redrum 8 years ago

DO IT!!!

heythatsprettygood 8 years ago

Plz No, It Hurts Mah Brain

heythatsprettygood 8 years ago

There Has Been Enough "Hi S U Y U's"

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