
866 updates
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hello and welcome here, if you need help you know how to find me! Have fun!
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This weekend I'll be at A1 eSport Festival in Vienna! Come by and play KNOSSOS with up to 8 players :)
phew, I got the cached data from a friend that hasn´t visited the site since the mishap. So everything is up and running again. BUT! how do you like the "modernish" design, should I look into making the site more old school with navbar and stuff? i am not sure if its fitting rn
bisha 6 months ago

I think it might just be a matter of personal preference. Happy Creating!

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Oh dears - I f´d up and overwrote my index.html, without backup :( - now only the game / 3d part of the site works but the static part for normal and sane consumption is gone... I guess I´ll try and rewrite it tomorrow...

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedNov 28, 2023
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music html5 pixelart games theatre