S u y u

3,930 updates
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smelly willy wants to ask you out suyu, but he is shy rn
heythatsprettygood 7 years ago

Hey thats pretty bad

heythatsprettygood 7 years ago

You still ask why I blocked you

raymennoodles 7 years ago

cuz u love suyu and (s)he mind controlled you to block me

heythatsprettygood 7 years ago

I hate you so much

raymennoodles 7 years ago

you love hate, but you hate love

raymennoodles 7 years ago

you know what they say, love hurts

raymennoodles 7 years ago

you know ;];];];];]

raymennoodles 7 years ago

you can not stop true love when you see it with ur own eyes

ur boyfriend, heythatsprettygood, didnt take shower and he is touching me, control your dog pls
suyu 7 years ago

boyfriend? you wanna get shot kid

heythatsprettygood 7 years ago

I took a trip to Nebraska what do you want me to do

raymennoodles 7 years ago

yeah, our school is open for anyone to see

raymennoodles 7 years ago

well suyu u can take smelly willy with u, i found a new friend, CSGO.

heythatsprettygood 7 years ago

You sound so lonely

alone-together 7 years ago

What kind of shot?

alone-together 7 years ago

For Hiv, Hpv, hepatitis?

suyu 7 years ago

don't let me unpack my 92

so ur a little gril who is stealing my man on a website
1 like
heythatsprettygood 7 years ago

I hate you so much

heythatsprettygood 7 years ago

I am not your man please stop

raymennoodles 7 years ago

wait wut, wut do u mean

raymennoodles 7 years ago

I fed u with my own milk and i nurtured u, til u became a young man ;[

heythatsprettygood 7 years ago

no please stop it isn't funny anymore

raymennoodles 7 years ago

:o he liked my comment, how do you like that heythatsprettygood(smelly willy)

r u a gril or a boi
anthonynaber 7 years ago

Suyu is a grill.

heythatsprettygood 7 years ago

it is *gril not *grill

anthonynaber 7 years ago

No Suyu is a grill. But secretly a gril

suyu 7 years ago

I am a 16 year old loli

lw 7 years ago

I sexually identify as a cat

try reducing the image sizes on your pages, it takes too long to load
joppiesaus 7 years ago

For example, see the pepes. The pepes are more then 1000 x 1000px, yet you only see 250 x 190px. And you have the SAME PEPE but then MIRRORED WITH THE SAME SIZE AND YOU PUT THAT ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE PAGE. Do you have absolutely zero respect for people with low bandwidth? Anyways this is neocities I knew this would happen here. Crazy webpages. love it. keep it up. proud of you.

1 like
anthonynaber 7 years ago

.-. I do have respect for people. I'll lower it if you really want me to. It doesn't really bother me but if it takes too long for it to load then sure, I'll reduce the size. Thanks for telling me.

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anthonynaber 7 years ago

Also joppie, I did that mirror because I like it like that. I know it's over 1000px, that's why I shrunk it. I don't want a huge pepe on my page.

1 like
suyu 7 years ago

yeah especially pepes took me a lot to load, your main page is 6.3 mbs dude

1 like
joppiesaus 7 years ago

You can use the same image and then do style="transform:scaleX(-1);". It will only work in decent browsers though

redrum 7 years ago

shots fired

anthonynaber 7 years ago

Redrum pls leave my website comments

signalsolonset 7 years ago

Even reducing the file size won't make it good. :^)

s u y u show me ur love and compassion you do to heythatsprettygood
man this heythatsprettygood guy blocked me and he wont talk to me, but now he will talk to S u y u, but not me
YO YO YO what does S U Y U mean in Turkish?
did you reach LEM after or before the derank update
suyu 7 years ago

I don't know when such update happened, my ban is 175 days old.

raymennoodles 7 years ago

o then probably you were LEM after the derank

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedAug 2, 2016
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