The web site of chao---garden

330 updates
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Fun site! There's 1 inconsistency though, Shadow started using guns in Shadow The Hedgehog, which came out in 2005, but one comment in your "guestbook" talks about him using guns in 2001.
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crackworths 11 months ago

I went digging deeper, found the hidden garden ( and the final page ( I really like what you did here. Ironic that you talk about identities and people from 20 years ago still being around or not, since I have no idea if you're still around or not due to this page being last updated 5 years ago

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neat site i guess
Hey! This is a page for a web project for a Chao fansite that was abandoned in the early 2000's after hacking attempts, with potential further causes to be revealed within. Hopefully, this gives off the intended aura of "late 90's-early00's fansite made by a child/very young teen." Thank you.

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Last updated 5 years ago
CreatedApr 28, 2019
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chao thisisapage foranartproject usingoldtext