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yeah i see this soooooo much and it's like. i thought the idea was we WANT to preserve old web style site building etc. how are newcomers supposed to learn if they are not allowed to copy
and i get that like okay: coding is hard! it takes hours to get something the way you want it to look! and it does feel unfair that those who come after can just copy it with less struggle. but that's life lol
Of course I'd be a bit tilted if someone stole my work - but I wouldn't make an entire page going "okay, rattle em boys" - I'd try to be nice and push them in the right direction
Respectfully, there is a pretty significant difference between looking at someone's site/copying some lines of code to learn and ripping someone's entire website wholesale and slapping your name on it, especially since the latter seems to be much more common. I don't believe in behaving violently towards people who do this, but it's not like it's *nothing* to be annoyed about.
@lazer-bunny yeah to be fair i would be genuinely annoyed if someone ripped off my site without chaging the graphics/colour scheme etc and i wouldn't be writing callouts about it BUT i do think it's weird when people do that. why would you want an exact perfect copy