The web site of neterkina94

74 updates
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my site name is Neterkina Second Website
friday-girl 3 months ago

The rabbit hole deepens!

1 like
blueworld 3 months ago

This wasn't your first?

1 like
uh-oh, I'm not from the US of A. sorry, but thank you for followed
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you ever just find a website so bewilderingly enigmatic yet entirely ordinary at the exact same time? I honestly have no idea what I'm looking at here and everything just leaves more questions than answers but like they're the sorts of questions that probably have really simple answers??? is this an ARG or an unfiction or something!?!?!?
chipsfunfun 3 months ago

i think its just, "yo silly" but idk if there is more

friday-girl 3 months ago

but honestly, it just has *that* particular indescribable vibe about it.

thanks for the follow follow
neterkina94 3 months ago

50 followers reached! 1,000 views are coming soon in probably mid of may 2024.

I kinda like the gimmick idea of this
yo thx for putting my button on ur site!
abigblueworld 3 months ago

Yeah because they're a pred

1 like
I have to say that your site is so unique. I wanna do this too!!! (i wil press my stealing-your-button-inator button) ~ Silly User
abigblueworld 3 months ago

it's not even that unique

user-maldito 3 months ago

┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ I like it! It's your style and you'll improve it, like me! I'm horrible designing but I'm trying my best. <3

abigblueworld 3 months ago

Are you blind?

thank you for the follow!
1 like
abigblueworld 3 months ago

Block them unless you're ableist

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abigblueworld 3 months ago

Honestly you should f***ing understand.

kakikudoku 3 months ago

what do you mean ableist? i'm a disabled person and i haven't noticed anything wrong with this person unless i don't know about something.

yeagh 3 months ago

as far as i know theyre trying to imply that having more followers than an autist makes u ableist or something (for the record, im an autist myself and dont get wtf this is)

thanks for the follow! don't let the rude comments get to you, this isn't twitter, follower count doesn't actually matter, just do what you wanna do at your own pace and have fun (:
abigblueworld 3 months ago

They literally are follower spamming, this site has literally 0 effort and is publicly showing where people live. Would you like it if someone found your location via automation?

arandomsite 3 months ago

i agree with you ooops

1 like
abigblueworld 3 months ago

arandomsite supports pedo rights!

Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedMay 2, 2024
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