Hello there amigo!

786 updates
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hi i saw your comment saying you liked my website name thank you very much it's a reference to a book i love from a certain fandom
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abigblueworld 10 hours ago

What book is it Cade?

Did you know, that is most visited page on Goblin heart is the SadGrl template?
icelogist 16 hours ago

Where are you getting these fax?????

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abigblueworld 13 hours ago

From research

Another fun fact: Supporters are more likely to get famous more quickly than non-supporters.
g0blin 1 day ago

*cries in no bank account*

astrossoundhell 1 day ago

how so? i'm a supporter and i'm basically invisible

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whey-isolate 1 day ago

@astrossoundhell "basically invisible" you have over 100 followers and 340k views girly you're basically a superstar

icelogist 1 day ago

We live in an economy (/ˍ・、)

maluvola 1 day ago

yeah, i can say i'm basically invisible, lol

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tempoyak1kan 1 day ago

@astrossoundhell you have at least 100 followers dude

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astrossoundhell 1 day ago

@others that's cause i'm in there since 2017 :D

neonriser 15 hours ago

Sounds cruel, but okay

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silverheart 14 hours ago

gonna need some proof of this supplied before i believe it

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bright-eyes 11 hours ago

I find it also depends on how often you update and how long you've been around, and also how you interact on people's profiles.

funnycadeserver 11 hours ago

me updating a bunch of times randomly every 10,000 years:

I need urgent 100% help my site is redirecting without the code.
Uh, a little help here?
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There, the "Busy" thing will going away soon. I added a new room but the site isn't entirely finished.
I should make a favorites room in the basement area!
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abigblueworld 1 day ago

Hi Lucas or whoever you are.

I need a brain break. My brain is like: psssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhewwwwwww
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I think I'm overworking my brain.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedApr 6, 2024
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