joey's page

1,766 updates
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ive been dissecting your homepage and im so blown away... the layout is actually really simple but i totally couldnt even see there was a grid until i started digging. i learned a lot!!
does anyone know a way to like search for old websites? like, in high school whenever we did research projects in the computer lab, you'd always get results for old basic html sites that had a lot of good content, vs now when i google i get like a million shitty listicles...
itsonlyjoey 5 months ago

this was barely more than a decade ago, so i assume it had more to do with the school firewall than it did with google, but is there a way to give preference to those kind of results?

phantasmablahh 5 months ago

not really sure, but maybe the wayback machine?

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trish 5 months ago

sorry you're not imagining things, SEO ruined google search and there is no competitor with better results (yet)

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itsonlyjoey 5 months ago

yeah for the most part any search engine besides google gives me better results, but still not getting the kind i'm after

satyrwoud 5 months ago is my goto; is in the same niche and I don't know if MillionShort is still around

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itsonlyjoey 5 months ago

these are great tysm

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guys this new beatles song sucks im sorry
itsonlyjoey 5 months ago

gonna have to dedicate an entire section of the shrine to this (if i ever get around to actually working on it in the first place)

joey's page was updated.
5 months ago
wait why would i care about visited links lol
how do you guys organize your image files
hog 5 months ago

I don't even though I probably should πŸ€ͺ

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trish 5 months ago

thus far, by season/year

itsonlyjoey 5 months ago

everything's just going into the images folder rn but this isnt sustainable

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faegardens333 5 months ago

literally most of what i save are image files so most of my folders r dedicated to this. i have jpeg/jpg, png, art (sperated into sketches wips etc.) or general categories i have a lot of images of (i.e. strawberries). alot i save are just in sitting in my main downloads tho lmfao. my file names are shortish and when possible, always begin with a color (i.e. blue_cat) cause thats how i sift through them most often

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joey's page was updated.
5 months ago
wow your website is so cool! feeling very inspired...
metatronzero 5 months ago

tysm!! :D your site is pretty cool too, i like your taste in music

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thao odelay tom tom club <3333333
ronnietoss 5 months ago

YESS omg and i saw de la soul on your album page i love them... i adore your site so much... thank u so kindly for the follow :^)

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joey's page was updated.
6 months ago

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