i havent played PVZ:GW2 in AGES.... is there anyone still playing any of the GW games?
a lot actually!!! bfn is kinda dead but if i check the stats for gw2 theres 2000 people playing JUST ON steam (it was on the ea app for ages so theres probably more people on there)
Man, it sucks that the vintage v2 turned out to be faulty :/ Maybe it's a problem with the battery? My gen 2 rerelease has been resetting a bunch while I've been playing with it and I think it was because it needed a new battery, since a few days after it started resetting it showed me the no battery screen
rip cristobal 😔 he lived a long and happy life. good luck getting a kusatchi, i personally could never - i cant not take good care of my tamagotchis.
cristobal will be missed..... (i really should get a tamagotchi, never had one but they seem fun :D )
I feel like having a pet white Pikmin would be like having a pet snake and that sounds cool as hell LMAO