how do you come up with inspiration to write poems? I find that I write in outbursts, but theyre few and far between.
Well, it's pretty random. Sometimes I feel like I have a profound string of thoughts and I try to turn it into a poem, other times I get inspiration from songs, other media. Mostly, I just hold onto an idea/structure and when I feel like it, I jot it down and let it take shape. I did write #3 when I was really angry.
I've learned that the only way you can really know what gives you purpose is by doing things and observing what fits you right. I had intense thoughts past year about how pointless whatever it is I was doing was and how others had a much more meaningful life. I don't quite know what causes it but jealousy is probably a big factor (for me atleast).
Feeling hopelessness, that you're just doomed to have a meaningless, under fulfilling life. But since then, I've been excited about a lot of things that are to come and I don't feel that way anymore, the hopelessness. Now I'm optimistic about my life and am trying to figure things out and see what brings me meaning and happiness. Wishing the best for you <3
@blame you didnt get carried away, dw!! yap away king:) I think you're right, I often adopt the native american view that we have no purpose and we are free to enjoy life as we see fit.
Thanks for the follow back! Your site is so well done I had to follow. Love aot \o/
Forgot to mention, thanks for the follow!
Thanks! Your's looks more well thought-out then mine... lol!
I think what you're doing with yours is cool and more creative than mine, keep it up!