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4,635 updates
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Found a folder full of pictures I downloaded around 2005-2006 on an old computer, might put them on my website just so I won't lose them lol
dann 4 years ago

That's pretty much what I've been doing. Creating capsules of history that I've held onto.

1 like
What the actual fuck
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cepheus 4 years ago

obvs everyone is different but one thing i've tried to remember when thinking critically about my teen self is that i was ultimately a child - most people wouldn't judge a child for being a bad person and i think we can do well to apply the same sort of compassion to ourselves as kids!

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cybersparkle 4 years ago

@cephus that is very true!

1 like
this website kicks ass!! you've definitely got a follow from me >:3c do you have a web button? if so i'll deff put it on my site
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cybersparkle 4 years ago

aaaaa thank you so muchh! ;A; I love your website as well! Yes I do, here you go! I will add yours as well! :)

I love your fashion so much!!
mortidella 4 years ago

Thank you, that's very kind!!

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMar 2, 2020
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