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zines = shrines actually. same thing
mental-labour 3 months ago

why would you say something so controversial yet so brave

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sneekrealm 3 months ago

zrine (ur so true for it)

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vagueshape 3 months ago

youre so real for this

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tehuan 3 months ago

i'm glad you all appreciate my thoughts. [insert the 'always have been' meme but 'we're all zinesters?']

sneekrealm 3 months ago

the only zinelike thing on my site is, to be fair, Very Clearly a shrine too so. + also sfw r34 reinterp: if it exists theres a shrine for it

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hi everyone :] checking in to say i hope you're well
in guatemala for 3 weeks for language immersion btw so will likely be quiet on here !! taking lots of photos tho...
I really enjoyed reading your nature zine. "I felt connected to the land but lost on how to interact with it" is so powerful. I'm going to add your site to my favorites.
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tehuan 4 months ago

you’re so sweet, thank you so much !! i’m glad that it brought you something 💗

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using < pre > is my worst enemy actually. it is helpful in concept but just so awfully executed
catraa 4 months ago

i dont even know what that means

tehuan 4 months ago

it's basically a tag that keeps any text inside it formatted Exactly as it is in the code editor-- same font, same spacing/line breaks (including like tons of tabs or whatever), same size. but then it's like... if you wanna adjust anything, you have to use css to change the font & stuff, and now you have to fuck with any spacing forever bc it won't match up exactly with what's in the code editor-

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tehuan 4 months ago

-since now your site text and code editor text have different letter sizes/spacing etc. so it just becomes kind of a hassle, even though the idea is helpful! it took me a million years last night to format my poem exactly how i wanted on a page b/c getting the spacing right was infuriating

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angelogistics 4 months ago

and with specified margins my beloved (although i don't rlly do a lot of indents for my poems tbh)

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angelogistics 4 months ago

oh lul it gets rid of tags i use br & i for all my stuff tho

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alicebluef0f8ff 4 months ago

no bc fr!in every basic html tutorial its framed as this for-poets-by-poets -thing then you use it and then it's. oh damn it's for-programmers-by-programmers :[

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alicebluef0f8ff 4 months ago

maybe i'm too stupid to use it for its intended usage but gotdamn i may b 2 stupid :0

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dustbunnybedroom 4 months ago

yeah it can be pretty finicky and annoying lol, i use it for both poetry and ascii art, when it says formatted as it is in the code it's moreso referring to whitespace! as in, consecutive spaces won't get ignored, newlines are kept, etc etc, the stuff that won't come across if you just use a < p > tag!

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tehuan 4 months ago

no that definitely makes sense but it's just SO finicky and frustrating. like whyyyy is it so infuriating to use !! it took such a stupid amnt of time to format a single poem and it's like. i get why but God..

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i have a new cd & zines to put up but it's so much workkkkkk.... soon !!
this is so incredibly needed & fantastic
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i am so bewildered by the latest message in my guestbook. do they think they sound cool & profound...
tehuan 4 months ago

i can't decide if i want to keep it & my response up or just delete both. what an absurd addition to an otherwise joyful space on my site

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bondiaries 4 months ago

😭😭help ... thats so out of pocket i cant even imagine what would compel someone to send you that

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tehuan 4 months ago

RIGHT I can’t even begin to imagine what’s going through their head

sneekrealm 4 months ago

lmao what the Hell

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alicebluef0f8ff 4 months ago

jaw to the floor where do some people get their audacity from😭

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vagueshape 4 months ago

absolutely flabbergasting lmao what????

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tehuan 4 months ago


nervadosia 4 months ago

omg,,,,so jealous,,,,

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tehuan 4 months ago

i'm so glad u like it.... manifesting a mohawk for u

vagueshape 4 months ago

that looks so sick!!!

tehuan 4 months ago

thank you !! 💗

getcubed 4 months ago

woagh.. so cool!!

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tehuan 4 months ago

Thank u... i think so too !

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CreatedJul 7, 2023
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anarchist writing photography zines queer