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Hello from Windows XP, was going to do stuff to the SDR page but it's a bit too late to do that now
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Thanks to Nginx and Certbot not realizing I want SSL on one subdomain but not another, is now forced to use SSL. Sorry about that.
Thinking of changing the SDR page to be a page about radio in general for things like FM/AM bandscans, miscelanious over-the-air captures, Part 15 and pirate broadcasting stuff, and whatever else I come up with / decide to do
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marshmellosucks 3 years ago

Oh yeah, need to get some pics of my current homebrew radio station setup so I can make a projects page for it

So I guess I just recently hit 50k site views, didn't really think I'd get that many lmao
Forgot to activate the Spring theme so I did that, issue is I hate how it looks. Put the Fall theme in place until I can figure something out.
marshmellosucks 3 years ago

Oh yeah, I also stream my area's weather radio transmitter to my Icecast server at

I got bored and threw an Icecast 1.0 server online and made a fitting webpage for it, check it out at

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedAug 1, 2020
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photography cats tech 90s radio