1,359 updates
0 tips
ABYSSAL was updated.
8 months ago
in LOVE with your site, it's like exploring the void
1 like
multohhh 8 months ago

thank you so much wth :sob: i haven't updated in a while but i love how extensive ur site is ;0;

1 like
leviathren 8 months ago

@multohhh ty!!

ABYSSAL was updated.
8 months ago
leviathren 8 months ago

fixed index links not clipping background right for chrome users

1 like
thank you for all the interest shown in my pixel club! :3 i just uploaded my guitar, super happy with it hehe (cant wait to see all yours!)
1 like
ABYSSAL was updated.
8 months ago
leviathren 8 months ago

launching my pixel club, Hall of Rock! make a guitar!

forgettablename 8 months ago

i love my epiphone les paul special edition sunburst

1 like
doqmeat 8 months ago

bookmarking this so i can make one in the future!!

1 like
ABYSSAL was updated.
8 months ago
1 like
ABYSSAL was updated.
8 months ago
inkcaps 8 months ago

I love how your current home screen, how you can click and drag the windows!! ;u;

1 like
leviathren 8 months ago

@inkcaps thank you!!

Thank you for the follow. I told the residents of the castle about you, and they think you are quite charming. I am going to put your button in my village. ♥
1 like
leviathren 8 months ago

Aw I'm flattered they think so <3 I'll be adding yours to mine too!

ABYSSAL was updated.
8 months ago
leviathren 8 months ago

fixed pages that weren't very responsive

ABYSSAL was updated.
8 months ago

Website Stats

Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedSep 6, 2023
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art writing personal dark queer