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ABYSSAL was updated.
9 months ago
leviathren 9 months ago

spooky page up >:) please be warned of moving images and potentially scary/disturbing content. i figured i'd get this up before halloween was over, even if it's not as complete as i'd like it to be lol

ABYSSAL was updated.
9 months ago
ABYSSAL was updated.
9 months ago
remiku 9 months ago

your notebook page.. it is very cute ^^. i am looking forward to seeing more. i appreciate how the font is readable on that page. it is a little hard for me to read the font on your homepage unfortunately ):

leviathren 9 months ago

@remiku thank you! the notebook is a template by doqmeat! and oh no, thank you for letting me know, i'll change the default theme to a more readable one :) <3

1 like
wowowow your site is so cozy and whimsical i love it!!
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inkcaps 9 months ago

Oh wow, this is so kind! Thank you for your sweet words, this made me smile! ;u; You're welcomed at my cottage whenever you like! ♡♡

1 like
ABYSSAL was updated.
9 months ago
i like the new art that's up :3 the hollow knight ones are so pretty!
1 like
leviathren 9 months ago

ahh thank you sm!

wow!! your site is so cool and i am so happy to see other cantonese gay people on neocities .. im part cantonese and it can be hard to find other people. your art is also lovely ^^
1 like
leviathren 9 months ago

aw thank you sm!! i feel that, i feel like we're a relatively niche group haha, i'm trying to relearn the language and form community with other canton people so i love finding others! your art is beautiful too btw!

ABYSSAL was updated.
9 months ago
ABYSSAL was updated.
9 months ago
1 like
introducing toggle themes! this took forever phew,, will customize each theme more later!

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedSep 6, 2023
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art writing personal dark queer