my veins...

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Please tell me what you think of my homepage (and other pages too if you want) based on its visual accessibility. Are the tiled backgrounds too much? What options and alternatives should I make available?
1 like
Oh my I have this want to have an accessible website but I also really like the really bright colors I have right now. I should make more themes and implement a gif pauser next
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I have so many free to use web materials that I made. I'm going to revamp my web materials page soon ~.~
heart143 5 months ago

It's great because everything on my site except for stuff in /assets/media are made by me so no need to credit other people. Meanwhile I get to contribute to the F2U web materials stockpile. If you use my stuff, no need to credit but linking my (soon to be up) materials page would be good in case others want to find more F2U materials

site updated.......... no wait you guys already see that....
Hi! I'd like to join Afternoon Tea! Here's my cup! It tastes like warm milk
lostletters 5 months ago

This is so sweet, I love the steam detail <3 Thanks for the submission. I'll include it today.

nomorepink 5 months ago

It's super cute!

woah how did you do the javascript theme change toggle thing... thats so cool........
heart143 5 months ago

I organized my stylesheets a lot (about 6 stylesheets linked in each html page right now lal lamao) and followed this tutorial

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heart143 5 months ago

It's not the best tutorial but it works. and there's a bit of an error in their final code in the for loop part though so read through the whole thing

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heart143 5 months ago

I should like totally make a blog page or something about my site's structure because it was fun to make

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Site update :P go watch dororo while waiting for me to write essays about it. Also new accessibility feature nyaaa theme switcher (except I only have 1 alternative theme)
heart143 5 months ago

Also I turned 18 yesterday yay

keysklubhouse 5 months ago

Happy birthday! :D

danppun 5 months ago

Happy 18th birthday!!! Have a wondeful day ^^!!!

1 like
nuange 5 months ago

Happy birthday!

1 like
heart143 5 months ago

thank you everynya

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJul 5, 2021
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hearts cute personal silly