hi, thanks for the follow! (: love your site and your writing, working my way through it. really appreciate what you said about sharing your writing online
I assure you, any authority I have is quite slender. Getting a PhD in English actually means finding a weird little corner of literature and scrabbling around in it. It is actually a process that can be the exact opposite of enjoying literature! But I honestly don't think I would have survived my PhD program if I weren't making fun of it all the time. Making fun of literature is its own art form. :)
The Velveteen Rabbit is a great book, I listened to a version of it as an audiobook as a child. I still remember the rocking horse talking about what makes something real to the rabbit.
this shit (on top of generally being under the weather tonight) brushed strong against old wounds in my heart (/compliment) (tho my personal experiences moderately different but still felt on some of the struggles in this piece)