⌜ slice of esterházy ⌟

428 updates
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Hello hii.... The last site update was in February! It's October! How do you like the new style? My site thumbnail still looks like crap but I hope it looks mostly Good in other browsers etc
esterhazy 4 months ago

My god these thumbnails look like shit. These are iframes ok they look better irl

my site is so ass.... i might make another layout and finally add more pages and stuff
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Hiii I really wanna use your font changer js! It works as intended, but along with changing the site's font, it also makes it larger than intended. What should I do to control the fonts' sizes? :'>
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esterhazy 1 year ago

Oooh I think I figured it out myself. Setting "font-size: (...)" in CSS but in the line for "html{" seems to control it. Okay!!!

punkwasp 1 year ago

Glad u figured it out! If the problem comes back though, feel free to reach out to me, I'll take a look at the code and try to figure out what's causing the issue.

i have so many ideas for pages but i end up not working on any of them because i cant imagine how id like them to look.... GHAARGH

Website Stats

Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedSep 14, 2023
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