
5,833 updates
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just 4 pages left to fix up. i can see the light at the end of the tunnel
yippie my pictomancer shirt came
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ordainedmotion 2 months ago

it took a long time to attempt to make these more reader friendly, but at the very least, all the blog posts are done.

matatabby 2 months ago

Looks fantastic!

1 like
sakana 2 months ago

Re: consumption, hoarding and spending, it's good that you're conscious of it. Most people don't give it even a second of thought, it's just spend = get dopamine, and as time wears on e-retailers have made that process more and more thoughtless, frictionless.

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i'm almost done with all the minor updates, so maybe i'll take a break from that and make a new post soon
the worst feeling in the word is the dread of losing kind of rare oshikatsu and realizing it probably ended up in the trash
ordainedmotion 2 months ago

literally having anxiety attack at 4 am because of a can badge of some anime boy with green hair going missing.

matchaprika 2 months ago

I'm so sorry for you :'(

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i should stop watching tornado videos and go back to working on stuff, especially considering the winds are bad rn :s i just hope the fires don't get worse.
ordainedmotion 2 months ago

always a fun time to freak myself out yippee!

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badgraph1csghost 2 months ago

fires O.O I hope you'll be safe! (incidentally, I always end up watching tornado warning videos when it's really humid and stormy outside :P)

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ordainedmotion 2 months ago

luckily im inland so the fires that are really bad can't reach me, but it's not been the first time fire season got our city as well. hoping the winds stay tame for rn. tyty tho :>

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ordainedmotion 2 months ago

i wont lie, part of me really wants to go through and make blogs for every anime i've seen that i remember, but I'm just here like, "I am expecting to get tomatoes thrown at me over every single anime take I have" so I guess I'll toss this one out there.

ordainedmotion 2 months ago

by the time im done going on about like 10% of the anime i've ever watched you'll all be sitting there like "do you like anything other than shows about monster battles" and the answer is "i really don't know"

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CreatedOct 17, 2024
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