Oculus Felis

691 updates
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adorable website!
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The new Phantom Brave was absolutely wonderful and I'm glad they did it justice after 21 years.
For those out there building their own sites: One day it will all click together. Don't think starting a website is a simple task. To build one at all takes a lot of practice and consistency. However, you can't always expect the first try or even the second try to go for what your vision is. Your website is much like a digital garden: capable of great change.
Finished a new character in my big fan section (Nova from World Flipper) so I can just start thinking about the next 3. (Sieghart looks so short lol I kinda wanna make his ahoge smaller so he looks taller.)
Very cute :)
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bizly 1 month ago

thank youuuuu

I always get really anxious with big updates like what if something broke and I don't realize it until the next day...

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedOct 19, 2024
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