{ elementz }

13,912 updates
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ayo igem getting a heavy revamp UI wise!
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{ elementz } was updated.
5 years ago
1 like
holee looking at my old feed from like november, smh like bruh one of my cmts were "FIRST POLL: Should I make the blog/update section index.html and the elementz project a different page? POLL CLOSES 12/3/17 YOU GOT LOTS OF TIME!" like wtf
elementz 5 years ago

"lots of time" i dont remember exact but i think i put this out liek 12/1/17 and there were 2 days which is kinda less compared to other polls

ninjacoder58 5 years ago

That's why i call coding an art, we all have an opinion.

woah, this styling tho
1 like
{ elementz } was updated.
5 years ago
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welp i finna take a 1-2 week break, actually for real
{ elementz } was updated.
5 years ago
mwr1 5 years ago

Uranus. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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are you working on the game? if so im kinda excited
Thank You.
Guys, I am making a Discord Chat Simulator on this site, so let me know if you would like for your site name to be on here!
cerebraldatabank 5 years ago

Make me sound like a 3l33t h4x0r

cerebraldatabank 5 years ago

BTW thanks for including me in /Pending/index.html!

elementz 5 years ago

ah no probs! its also on the "normal" index.html page

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Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 26, 2017
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machinelearning webvr threejs ai tensorflow