The Worm's Denn

334 updates
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thank you for the link! i would also like to thank the 102 people who visited my site on november 5th despite having nothing but a blank page for over a month
also thank you to everyone whos followed me up until this point! it was actually seeing my website at that inspired me to make this site again, so special thanks to you too!
im sorry about the inactivity of this site lately. ive edited the index to be blank for now, because if im not going to be updating the site i dont want it to be up at all. ive been considering rejoining lately though, but i might reinvent the site
i have no real drive to work on this site for now, im busy trying to work out school and other things. its not dead, iw ill work on it again someday!
sorry i havent been active at all, hoping to update the site again soon!
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Website Stats

Last updated 5 years ago
CreatedDec 6, 2017
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personal fun blog creative