{ elementz }

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does discord.js hate machine learning w/ javascript or something? cuz it doesnt seem to work lol
cerebraldatabank 5 years ago

what are you doing machine learning for? remember - don't assume humans are humane like MS did:

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elementz 5 years ago

i learned machine learning because it seemed very interesting. after i got the basics of ML w/ JavaScript using a framework called brain.js, i thought that it would be so dope to implement it to Karbon by making a list of data, and see which category the object/word goes to. like water => drink, cat => animal, coke => soda, etc. with places, school subjects, and school "sub-subjects" like trigonometry.

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elementz 5 years ago

so far ive learned about neural networks and traning data, i heard about loss where if it gets the guess wrong, then theres some loss, idk. should learn bout it

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 26, 2017
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machinelearning webvr threejs ai tensorflow