and let forever be delayed / debtdeath

270 updates
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i friggin love ur site dude
so very belated, but ive reached 100 followers on here some time ago, which is HUGE to me! thank you so much to everyone for being interested in what i do and thank you all for your patience as i get more active on here again
hello... im alive... been busy with work, life and being on holiday lol
i am using your template :) i just wanted to let you know. thank you for letting us use it! i will deploy it later tonight but i really like your site
1 like
debtdeath 2 months ago

thank you! i'm on mobile rn so i cant really look but im glad you like the template :)

1 like
hey! thanks for using CC-LINK. re: customising the HTML comment box, i made a CSS snippet for it: but if youre using it and are struggling with how it works, email me at and i'd be happy to look over your code! :)
debtdeath 6 months ago

(i replied on my own guestbook as well but i never know if ppl get notifs for those so)

1 like
debtdeath 7 months ago

NEW AND UPDATED SITE BUTTON! please update your website if you're using my old wonky yellow/black one lol... i hate that one...

thank you so much for using CC-LINK! i'm glad it was helpful for understanding responsive design, too. it's so cool to see someone take the template and make it into their own style/aesthetic, it means so much to me!
debtdeath 7 months ago

PS: yay fellow yakuza fan! your website rocks and im excited to see your updates to it :))

crotovane 7 months ago

oh i'm so glad to hear that! and i'm glad to see fellow rgg fans on here as well :3c thank you for the resource and your kind words!!

@ anon person who left a message on my guestbook, i replied on there too but i'll also post about it here: im probably going to resume dev work on Neotome (for ppl who dont know: html-based template for stories/fics, inspired by templates like Rarebit) in march this year! been dealing with a lot of life stuff and shifting of priorities over the latter half of 2023, but im hoping i can do more hobby stuff this year :)
vaguely annoyed that people use my older button (the dunkin donut logo rip-off one) for linking me and not my cool new one.. time to remake the older button to look nicer maybe
debtdeath 8 months ago

also hello im back


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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedJul 22, 2022
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personal hobby videogames tf2 fanart