and let forever be delayed / debtdeath

270 updates
0 tips
been a bit busy and not working on my website lol... i do have a few things to do though! gotta fix some stuff with links mainly...
love your color scheme and general vibe!
debtdeath 10 months ago

thank you, and likewise! one detail i like about your website is how you arranged website buttons by colour (i think?) its very nice and satisfying

1 like
solaria 10 months ago

thank you!! i wanted to organize them some how and i like rainbows so might as well! i see some people organize blinkies by color, but i like to organize those by topic

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Neocities isn't letting me reply on accessiblenet, so I'm responding here re:Javascript; I know some folks turn it off because Javascript is often used in privacy-violating ways on the corporate web. User experience and performance are another reason:
debtdeath 10 months ago


hello! thanks for using my template, your modifications are super cool! your site has a great aesthetic overall, cool pixel art too. great work!
1 like
phtmkiwami 10 months ago

thanks! i didn't expect to get a comment back

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BIG UPDATE: Friends page is done: ( and free to use buttons page: (
debtdeath 10 months ago

i've also reshuffled my homepage, and it has now a cute little button wall at the bottom.

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debtdeath 10 months ago


hmmm i pushed a big update for my site and im getting errors from deploy to neocities...
debtdeath 10 months ago

fixed it! i accidentally left an .aseprite file in my public folder which made the deploy to neocities workflow freak out because its of course a forbidden file format for free neocities account hahaha

this is a request specifically for me re: webring/directory but... can you remove "debt" (and potentially also "death") from your spam word list so i can actually submit my join request? had the same issue with kale's responsive directory form LOL. you can put it back after i join if you want :)
pinkvampyr 10 months ago

ACK. i forgot about the spam words, and yeah i'm using kale's fork. try now?

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debtdeath 10 months ago

hotfixes while i toil away at my friends page during idle work breaks... i would apologise for being slow but its finally spring and its too warm and sunny to be spending my entire days indoors 🤙

1 like
lol i thought my website was broken for keyboard-only navigation but it turns out it's just a setting on mac os that "breaks" it by default... glad to see my website is indeed nice to keyboard-only users too

Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJul 22, 2022
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personal hobby videogames tf2 fanart