and let forever be delayed / debtdeath

270 updates
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so good to be inspired by so many people on here... i wasnt expecting to find a community on neocities and now im kicking myself a bit for not putting more energy in making my website sooner!
your website is cool as, will be checking out those recipes... also reminded me i wanted to make a website/art manifesto page for my own site so thank you for the indirect but also kind of direct inspiration!
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pixelglade 10 months ago

Thanks cc! I saw you're also in Australia (Brisbane here) and use a screen reader to test your site which is awesome. I still need to make further adjustments to my site. Will definitely add your button to my site (Links page) it seems like we have a lot in common plus your site design is awesome.

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debtdeath 10 months ago

yeah im a melbourne-dweller myself, nice to see fellow aussies on here :) thanks so much for the kind words!

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friends/website buttons page is looking so good i cant wait to share it
ohhh i love your website so much!! love all the buttons and the way they expand. also your colour scheme is lovely!
debtdeath 10 months ago

thank you!!

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your website is so cool and inspiring! so many pages that are interesting and creative... *taking notes*
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I love your color scheme! It's pleasing to the eye, not painful to look at, and pretty darn legible. Well done.
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debtdeath 10 months ago

thank you! i did a lot of testing to find a good colour combination that feels good to read AND feels like "me" lol... i try my best 🫑

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your website is so nice! your light/dark mode toggle looks super neat too. good stuff
fri11s 10 months ago

oh pal i totally modified your dark mode toggle js *today* :D hope you dont mind - credited you in the js file. I tried writing a function for it myself a few weeks ago but 100% over complicated it

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debtdeath 10 months ago

haha hell yeah! totally fine πŸ‘

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fri11s 10 months ago


debtdeath 10 months ago

new website button >:) i'm also keeping the old one up as an alternative, because i like that one as well!

oooooo i need to make a website button that looks like a vanity license plate
xandra 10 months ago

okay i love this idea <33

1 like
gonna work on my friends page finally and that means adding YOUR button onto MY site! yes you reading this!

Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJul 22, 2022
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personal hobby videogames tf2 fanart