and let forever be delayed / debtdeath

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i want to make a new template... what kind of visual site structures are people into? sidebars? menu bar on the top? both? something super customisable?
owlroost 9 hours ago

From folks I've talked to: something easy to customize with no prior knowledge of CSS or HTML.

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debtdeath 9 hours ago

hmm... i feel like not wanting to touch html or css sort of defeats the purpose of small web, but i can think ways to make these things a little less intimidating to people in a template

cervidaze 8 hours ago

feel like i've been seeing a lot of either left sidebar structures or "everything contained in a single scrollable box" ones. but i think as long as there's detailed documentation, people should be able to figure out how to customize things!

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flamingokid 8 hours ago

idk if this is what you're asking but for what it's worth i love container sites, with a column or two! ^_^ i know whatever you make will be AMAZING!!!

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CreatedJul 22, 2022
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