Thank you! I'm glad that you are enjoying it. I've heard the term "eidetic memory" used to describe it. Some experience it involuntarily (like Nikola Tesla did), but it can be trained like in the article too. After so much study, sometimes I get into these states where I can see a bunch of materials that are related by topic as if they are forming a little web of holograms in front of me... the associative memories within my mind are being projected outward. Occasionally, this mixes with a strong sense of deja vu, an almost spiritual experience where many seemingly "random" bits of information that I've come across in my lifetime sync up. My purpose for remembering them becomes clear and a larger hologram appears as they become integrated with one another...
The holograms are not always detailed or distinct, particularly when I am stressed or tired, but it is fun to try to dive in and out of them to see how deeply I can remember their contents or interact with them. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences! It is always interesting to hear from a fellow psychonaut.
any chance i could get my name on the listing to just read "Tyoma" instead of "Tyoma or Jonah"?
HEHE thank you!! <3