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(will delete this later) is anyone having problems with viewing others/your own website rn, I see people still editing their websites and such but literally most image previews are broken for me + I get a security connection error and I think others have it too
rh0mbus0fruin 3 days ago

ok nevermind, maybe it's something with my internet (or regions in asia?) but I hopped on a vpn rq and immediately everything worked normally

yannixoxo 3 days ago

also from region in asia here, i can view websites just fine but can’t save my work(it’s been happening since yesterday)

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rh0mbus0fruin 3 days ago

@yannixoxo damnnn, I think for me I noticed it today/in the morning, don't think it's particulary new so rn it's just waiting game I suppose, Still annoying asf

unexplainedsightingsofcowboys 3 days ago

I saw another person whose website I follow mention they've been having a lot of issues with neocities being buggy recently and a bunch of people replied saying they've had the same stuff happen to them, I think everyone has been having some issues T_T

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spiralstaircase 3 days ago

website previews are broken for me too and have been broken for a while now

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corruptedunicorn 3 days ago

If it helps, I'm having similar issues: Neocities with broken images, inability to browse sites (including my own) and crashing

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rh0mbus0fruin 2 days ago

woke up, everything's back to normal now yay

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CreatedMar 25, 2022
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