OwlMan on Neocities

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I'm aware that some people don't know about the news about Sol Pais, also know as dissolvedgirl on Neocities. I think that people should know about this, so please check out this URL that has a number of links to relevant news articles about the situation.
dann 5 years ago

Sad to hear. She was one of my first followers here and seemed genuinely greatful for the little 88x31 button I made in return. Shame when anything like this happens.

owlman 5 years ago

More bloody E-Mails from Hacking Services, they sure love me!

joppiesaus 5 years ago

this looks like You Have To Win The Game

owlman 5 years ago

Yes, you must win!

1 like
owlman 5 years ago

Oh nice, my Bad Dragons are here! Thanks USPS, shame I'm in the UK, but still, thanks!

1 like
nekojiru 5 years ago

sorry, I think that might've been my order instead, I used your email u.u

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

Walla Walla Washington

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

I have a lunar dragon too! :D

owlman 5 years ago

11 new spam E-Mails (everything from "Reply Immediately" is new), I would check out "Dear friend" and "Friend", some funny stuff. Even more crazy when you look up who it's from.

joppiesaus 5 years ago

hahahahah that reply immediately spam email: 3 million from the united nations, nice! xD

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedJan 5, 2016
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