OwlMan on Neocities

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Bit of a weird request, but I plan on doing a "virtual party" for 108 followers and for every part you need guests, so I'm asking if people can draw their OCs - it doesn't matter if you can't draw well, or even if you use say MS Paint. Here's what I came up with;
kenny46140 6 years ago

Mr.Owl, Am I Invited? You still cool or no?

owlman 6 years ago

You can come if you draw your OC/yourself in MS Paint or whatever

kenny46140 6 years ago

Had to ask considering your restrictions. I just did 'draw' one on the comp or whatever, but what's "OC" stand for man?

kenny46140 6 years ago

I do most of my graphic design stuff via comp anymore. If you call that "drawing it myself", then Yes. Follow?

kenny46140 6 years ago

Owlman, Are you Cool or Not, dude? I'm still NOT your enemy, man... nor am I against you in any way. You misread things awhile back, and never replied. The lack of your reply spoke loudly. Understand?

hosma 6 years ago

Hey Kenny, OC stands for "Original Character". Everyone's invited as long as they send owlman their OC.

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owlman 6 years ago

OC stand for "Original Character" - just draw what you look like I guess. Also I guess I'm cool for cats.

hosma 6 years ago

lole I don't know how to draw living beings

kenny46140 6 years ago

Thanks, guys! I folluh! Well, Owlman... dunno whatcha mean by you being "cool for cats". I like cats. I am one Cool Cat, tho... ya dig? No, not that furry biz nor funny biz; The Jazzy Biz. Don't Hate 'Cause I'm Straight! I'll get one on here soon. Later, taters... say NO to haters (of any kind)! :)

owlman 6 years ago

What on Earth are you even talking about?

arkmsworld 6 years ago

I was thinking about doing a pixel art image in GIMP being that I've never used paint, but....fuck it. lol

floppyjay 6 years ago

I've been lurking on Neocities for a bit too long, this serves as a fun thing to drag me back in : ) I'll be sure to put my 'OC' up here. I think I'll even update my site sometime soon.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Man, Owlman. That's a song you like to sing alot; "What Are You Talking About?". A song we've all heard outa you before so much. Sure, communication probs are bound to happen it text. It's always been that way. I generally type as clearly as anyone. If I don't understand something specific, I'll ask. Ya Follow? Anyway...(cont...)>>>

kenny46140 6 years ago

My "wing-man" scopes out any blind-parties before I show up. Dunno his real name and he doesn't speak. He can be the "life of the party" if ya get to know him. A bit creepy, maybe... but, he's an all-around "people person".

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kenny46140 6 years ago

He'll be checkin' things out before I show up. :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Wait a sec... "Mark"? DM Arkm, Mark ?!? No... you, naw... Mark?

arkmsworld 6 years ago

I am Arkm the Archmage, Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts. Who dares call me by this feeble name, Mark"? >:(

kenny46140 6 years ago

Alright, you do talk-the-talk like who I think. BUT it's too much of a "ko-wink-ee-dink"! If you (ARKM) can relate the this, then lemmie know (you should've earlier! asshole!): "Year: D&D Record - Guiness Book". (?) PLUS, more to come pending you're own preference of identity.

arkmsworld 6 years ago

Me no understand, sahib. Please to explain.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

No prob, hadji. Perhaps later. It was a question about a particular year of D&D record in the Guinness Book that you may be familiar with, dude.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

An earlier version of my wing-man (thru the spy-hole on your door)=


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